Libra is NOT a cryptocurrency

Shivam Singh
5 min readMar 17, 2020


On June 18, 2019, Facebook announced Libra. It is a virtual currency or cryptocurrency — even if some people don’t agree with
that definition. In Facebook’s vision, Libra should become a global currency for billions of people, especially those in developing countries who have no access to banks or financial services. The idea is that Libra would be like digital money, which you can transfer to other people or simply use to buy stuff.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is not doing this alone — a bunch of Silicon Valley hotshots are also onboard with the plan. Libra will be governed by the Libra Association, a Swiss group including 28 members – among which Facebook subsidiary Calibra, Uber, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, Spotify and
many other household names in technology and finance.

Libra Association Members

So, how will this work?

Libra’s white paper — a sort of technical manifesto — says that it will run on a “blockchain”. Again, that is a controversial definition in some quarters.

So, a quick, rough explainer:

A blockchain is an infrastructure on which cryptocurrency payments take place. It is a digital, unchangeable record of all the payments ever made in a given cryptocurrency. Here’s a crucial thing: a blockchain is decentralized.

The transactions are processed and verified by a swarm of independent computers rather than by a single referee or central bank. Those independent computers are called nodes. That decentralized structure is intended to enhance security — as there is no single entity to be hacked — and also, to guarantee that governments can’t block transactions simply by browbeating a central authority.

It is a pretty libertarian, anti-state, anti-bank tool. The first blockchain ever is, of course, the one underpinning Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency.
But, the Libra blockchain is not decentralized the way Bitcoin is. On the Bitcoin blockchain, anyone can theoretically run a node, even if that’s expensive. In contrast, Libra’s nodes will be run only from the servers of the Libra Association’s members — that is, Facebook, Uber, Paypal, and the others.

Now, none of these companies will individually have much of a say in how payments are processed and verified. It will be a collective effort — which is good, according to the blockchain ethos. Still, the more libertarian cryptocurrency fans resent that Libra will be controlled by a club of megacorporations. They also fear that the Libra Association could buckle under pressure if, for instance, a government ordered it to block a transaction.

Facebook’s official reason for this make-up is that a fully decentralized model would not be powerful or fast enough to deliver the “global financial infrastructure” Libra aspires to become.

The issue of scale is one of the main challenges confronting decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Transactions per second

Decentralization makes the system less vulnerable to hacks or shutdowns, but takes time: the Bitcoin blockchain, for instance, can only process about seven payments per second. By comparison, the centralized Visa payment network can support up to 24,000 payments per second. Initially, Libra should be able to handle about 1,000 transactions per second. The white paper says that, over the next five years, Libra will shift from the current proposed
model — also called a “permissioned” blockchain — to a totally decentralized — or “permissionless” blockchain.
Of course, there is no guarantee that will ever happen.

Here is another issue Facebook says it is tackling:
One big problem with cryptocurrencies is that their value can be quite fickle. Over the course of 2017, the price of Bitcoin swung between 900 and
20,000 dollars.

Bitcoin value over the course of its existence

That is great news if you are a speculator, but it’s not ideal if you want to launch a global payment network for Facebook’s 2.4 billion users. That’s why Libra has been designed as a so-called “stablecoin”. That means the value of Libra will be tied to the value of real-world assets. Essentially, the Libra Association will store a basket of currencies (like dollars, euros, or pounds)
and low-risk government securities. The value of this basket will determine the value of all the Libra units in circulation. Every time a user trades cash for Libra through an exchange, that cash will be added to the Libra Association’s reserves.

At this stage, there is not much else we know about Libra. We do know that Facebook Calibra will launch a Libra wallet allowing users to exchange Libra through Messenger, WhatsApp or a standalone app. We don’t know which businesses will accept Libra yet — I suppose that both Uber and Ebay will because they are both members of the Libra Association.

Libra doesn’t launch until late 2020 but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t already fretting about the whole affair. Facebook has promised that it won’t use payment data in order to target adverts — but people don’t trust Facebook, for notorious reasons. And regulators are also frowning upon the move. France has underlined that only governments can mint money and has warned against Libra’s potentially nefarious uses.

The Bank of England said that Libra will have to meet very high financial standards to be allowed in the UK.

Lawmakers in both the US and the EU are concerned about Facebook’s expansion to the financial domain.

For a company that is increasingly depicted as an oversized, unaccountable, arrogant monopoly is launching a currency really the best way to avoid scrutiny?



Shivam Singh
Shivam Singh

Written by Shivam Singh

Random musings on Finance, Technology, Media, AI, and Venture Capital.

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